Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cody Simpson :))



Cody Simpson (born 11 January 1997) is an Australian pop/R&B singer-songwriter from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia who is currently signed to U.S. record label Atlantic Records. Simpson began to record songs in his bedroom during the summer of 2009 on YouTube, performing Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours”, “Cry Me a River” by Justin Timberlake, and his own songs, “One” and “Perfect”. He was subsequently discovered on YouTube by Shawn Campbell, a Grammy-nominated record producer who has produced for Jay-Z and other artists. Simpson’s rise to recognition was featured on The 7.30 Report in December 2009. “iYiYi” is already a top 20 hit and “Summertime” is his second single. According toSongfacts, Cody performed “iYiYi” at the 2010 Australian Kids’ Choice Awards as the closing act, where he won the Fresh Aussie Musos Award.

You can follow cody on twitter at @thecodysimpson


Penyebab Depresi Pada Remaja

A. Definisi Depresi

Secara bahasa, depresi berarti gangguan jiwa pada sesorang yang ditandai dengan perasaan yang menurun, seperti muram, sedih, dan perasaan tertekan. Yang namanya sedih bisa ringan, bisa berat, dan bisa berat sekali sampai kalut dan tak tertahankan sehingga meronta-ronta. Secara umum orang tidak membedakan antara depresi dan stress. Padahal, secara terminologi kesehatan, stress berarti terganggunya faal tubuh sebagai akibat ketidakmampuan sesorang mengatasi atau menyesuaiakan diri dengan problem yang dihadapinya.
Dengan demikian jelaslah bahwa depresi merupakan suatu gangguan mental yang spesifik yang ditandai dengan adanya perasaan sedih, putus asa, kehilangan semangat, merasa bersalah, lambat dalam berpikir, dan menurunnya motivasi untuk melakukan aktivitas.

B. Penyebab dan Gejala Depresi Pada Remaja

Penyebab depresi pada remaja umumnya ada dua faktor yaitu faktor Genetik dan pengalaman masa kanak-kanak yang tidak menyenangkan, faktor genetik terjadi karena mungkin dahulunya orang tua pernah mengalami depresi yang berkpanjangan, jadi kemungkinan besar hal itu meningkatkan resiko seorang anak mengalami depresi pada saat remaja. sedangkan untuk faktor selanjutnya seorang anak ketika masa kecil di perlakukan tidak adil, keluarga yang tidak harmonis, selalu tertekan dan lain sebagainya akan mengakibatkan goncangan emosi yang memicu respon fisiologi dan psikologis dan berakhir pada terjadinya depresi.
Faktor faktor lain yang bisa menyebabkan depresi pada remaja umumnya adalah peristiwa peristiwa dalam masa hidupnya, seperti di tinggal orang yang di sayang, sekolah, teman, kematian orang tua, konflik dalam keluarga dan lain sebagaunya. tapi yang paling menonjol adalah cinta. mungkin karena eerat hubungannya dengan hati.
Gejala depresi bisa dilihat dari tanda-tanda berikut untuk mengetahui adanya depresi pada remaja: 
• Merasa sedih, cemas, dan tidak memiliki harapan 
• Tidak nafsu makan, atau banyak makan yang menyebabkan penurunan maupun kenaikan berat badan dalam waktu singkat 
• Terjaga di malam hari, namun tidur sepanjang siang 
• Menarik diri dari teman-temannya, murung 
• Aktivitas dan prestasi di sekolah menurun, menurunnya motivasi dan minat 
• Mudah marah dan tersinggung, menjadi sensitif terhadap kritikan 
• Rendah diri dan merasa sangat bersalah 
• Konsentrasi menurun, sulit mengambil keputusan 
• Adanya perubahan dalam kebiasaan makan maupun tidur 
• Memiliki pikiran untuk melakukan bunuh diri 
Jika tanda tersebut terjadi beberapa hari sampai beberapa minggu, sebaiknya segera dikonsultasikan pada tenaga kesehatan. Treatmen yang dilakukan dapat berupa terapi dengan cara berbicara, maupun menggunakan obat. 

C. Cara Mengatasinya
Banyak terapi yang menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi depresi pada remaja, yaitu:
1. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
2. Psychodinamic Psychotherapy
3. Interpersonal Psychoterapy
4. Terapi Suportif

Yang pasti ketika kita akan meyembuhkan depresi pada remaja faktor yang paling utama adalah dukungan, baik dukungan dari keluarga, teman maupun orang lain yang berhubungan langsung dengan si penderita. faktor keluarga sangat penting peranannya dalam proses ini. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quotations :)

"The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases."
McIlroy and Bentley
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Abraham Lincoln
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."
George S. Patton
"People only rain on your parade because they don't have their own."
Eric Downs
"A small thing repeated often enough, is a big thing."
"The future depends on what we do in the present"
Mahatma Gandhi
"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."
Henry Miller
"Copy and paste is a design error"
David Parnas
"Simplicity carried to the extreme becomes elegance."
Jon Franklin
"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars
"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement."
Fred Brooks
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
William Arthur Ward
"The best is the enemy of the good."
"That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers."
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Oath of Fealty
"Java is the blunt scissors of programming languages"
Dave Thomas
"If you believe that you know the requirements better than the customer, you are part of the problem, not the solution."
Alan M. Davis
"Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new."
Og Mandino
"I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good. Maybe you're not the best, so you should work a little harder."
Jay Leno
"I appreciate people who are civil, whether they mean it or not. I think: Be civil. Do not cherish your opinion over my feelings. There's a vanity to candor that isn't really worth it. Be kind."
Richard Greenberg
"Work and struggle and never accept an evil that you can change."
Andre Gide
"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first 6 hours sharpening my axe."
Abraham Lincoln
"Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it."
Steve Jobs
"Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable."
John Patrick
"Dogma does not mean the absence of thought, but the end of thought."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
"Part of what I do is a craft, but part of what I do is a science. And I guess the craft comes in knowing what science to use and what science not to use."
Bob Moog
"If you can't explain something to a six year-old, you really don't understand it yourself."
Albert Einstein
"To attain knowledge, add things everyday; to obtain wisdom, remove things everyday."
Lao Tzu
"Good style is the 'underware' that supports a program"
Peter Norvig and Kent Pitman
"Elegance is not optional."
Richard A. O'Keefe
Theodor Nelson
"I believe good software is written by small teams of two, three, or four people interacting with each other at a very, high dense level."
John Warnock
"Say what you mean, simply and directly"
Kernighan and Plauger
"Write clearly - don't be too clever"
Kernighan and Plauger
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."
Charles Darwin
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction."
Albert Einstein
"At the feast of ego, everyone leaves hungry."
Bentley's House of Coffee and Tea, Tucson, AZ
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
Marcel Proust
"In the elder days of art, builders wrought with greatest care, each minute and unseen part, for the Gods are everwhere"
"People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it"
Chili's Training Manual
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
M. Gandhi
"Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try."
Dennis DeYoung
"It takes less time to do a thing right than it does to explain why you did it wrong."
H.W. Longfellow
"We need a language that lets us scribble and smudge and smear, not a language where you have to sit with a teacup of types balanced on your knee and make polite conversation with a strict old aunt of a compiler."
Paul Graham
"Unnecessary complexity artificially raises the value of small accomplishments."
Andres Valloud
"Complexity is easy; Simplicity is hard."
Edmund Keane
"Billions of flies eat shit; doesn’t mean it’s good"
Vincent Foley
"The programmer using a batch-compiler language can seldom achieve the productive state of mind that artists achieve when the creative current is unhindered."
Lee Brodie
"Good thoughts bear good fruit. Bullshit thoughts rot your meat."
George Clinton
"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
Frank Zappa
"Everyone's a star. Your shine is just different than mine!"
Chocolate from Graham Central Station
"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
Alan Kay
"All understanding begins with our not accepting the world as it appears."
Alan Kay
"If you want to get anywhere in life, don't break the rules, make the rules!"
CLIPS User Manual
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
Martin Fowler
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming"
C.A.R. Hoare
"Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it."
Alan J. Perlis "Epigrams in Programming"
"Static typing prevents certain kinds of failures. Unfortunately, it also prevents certain kinds of successes."
Ned Batchelder, quoted by Peter Lund
"Argue with idiots, and you become an idiot"
Paul Graham
"If we were all using the same language, it would probably be the wrong one."
Paul Graham
"If you think you're designing something for idiots, odds are you're not designing something good, even for idiots."
Paul Graham
"In the church of complexity, more is always better..."
James Robertson
"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone."
Bjarne Stroustrup
"In essence, Smalltalk is a programming language focused on human beings rather than the computer."
Alan Knight
"I just need a will of my own and the balls to stand alone."
Gene Simmons
"Truly great madness can not be achieved without significant intelligence."
Henrik Tikkanen
"To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often."
Winston Churchill
"Intelligence is like a river; the deeper it is the less noise it makes."
"Source code in files - how quaint."
Kent Beck
"We should build the simplest working thing that could possibly be maintainable."
Andres Valloud
"Static Typing: Make it fast. Make it right. Make it run."
Niall Ross
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A great person does not have to think consistently from one day to the next."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Nothing is carved in stone. NOTHING! Everything is written in sand and is likely to be erased or unrecognizably altered by the next wave that sweeps over"
Chili's Training Manual
"Leadership is a state of mind as well as a set of behaviors. Our thoughts precede our actions."
Chili's Training Manual
"You cannot motivate another person. You have to create the environment for them to motivate themselves."
Chili's Training Manual
"OO programmers fall into two categories: Smalltalkers and those who don't get it."
Vassili Bykov
"C for sinking, java for drinking, Smalltalk for thinking"
"It keeps me going you know, that and listening to heavy metal, and get caffeinated and hack."
Mat Hostetter, Programmer, ARDI
When asked did he consider coke to be "brain food".
Watch Triumph Of The Nerds for the quote
"This thing is my religion; My soul, my blood, my life; I am so fucking metal"
Dream Evil, "Made of Metal"

Poems About Growing Up

One way to get through the ups and downs of being a teenager is to read poems about growing up. Poetry is an excellent way to express yourself and realize you're not alone.

Poems About Growing Up

There are many poems and songs about growing up. These tend to have many different themes, such as dealing with new feelings, changes with family and friends, growing pains, falling in love, getting hurt, self-esteem, and life lessons. Nobody ever said growing up was easy, but reading poems about it can make things easier.
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Just for Teens

Lots of poetry about growing up is written by teenagers, while others poems are written by well-known authors. The poems that stand out the most are ones that are honest and written from the heart, whether the writer is expressing joy or pain. Here's a list of examples that you'll relate to as a teen growing up:

Poets Who Wrote About Growing Up

Some famous poets who wrote poems about getting older, both lighthearted and continue to tap into the imagination, include:

Share Your Poetry

If you've been writing poems about changes in your life or any type of teen poetry, share it with others. You might be surprised how many people have felt exactly the same way that you do. That is one of the reasons why poetry is so valuable. It gives you a way to express what you're feeling; even when you're not sure you have the words. A poem that was written by someone else might perfectly capture what you are feeling.
Whether you're writing your own poems or enjoy the poems of others, find a way to incorporate it into your daily life and share it with friends and family.

Handcraft a Poetry Book

One way to do share your poetry about growing up is to simply print out or write your poems and glue them into pages of a book or staple them together as a creative project. You can keep it forever or give your poems away to friends or family as unique gifts.
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Publisher Your Poems

Another way to share your work is to publish it either online or with a book publisher. There are tons of ways to do this, either with a blog or website format or through a traditional print publisher, such as a book, magazine, or newsletter.
  • Writers Market and Market have lists of places that will publish your poetry.
  • Share your poetry on your blog or Facebook page. Don't forget to include your name if you want to get credit. You never know when a poem you've written could become a classic.

Have a Poetry Slam

Get your friends together and practice reading poems out loud. This can be both a funny and serious way to get to know each other. Have each person walk to the center of the room to read or recite their poem. Just like music, most poetry is better when it is read out loud or memorized.

Get Inspired

  • Read poems by teens to get a flavor of what you could write.
  • Moon Town Café is a social networking site where you can connect with other poets online.
Initial Author: Lindsay Woolman

Source :

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Biography forDemi Lovato 

Date of Birth
20 August 1992, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Birth Name
Demetria Devonne Lovato

Mc D Love

5' 2" (1.57 m)

Trade Mark
Huge smile
Bright red lipstick
Chin cleft
Raspy voice

Her sisters are Dallas Lovato and Madison De La Garza.
Her mom, Dianna Hart, was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader during the the 1982-83 season, and was a country recording artist.
She is a skilled pianist and guitar player.
Gets most of her clothes from Forever 21 and most of her shoes from Aldo.
Her favorite band is Paramore and her favorite song by them is Born for This.
Of Hispanic, Irish and Italian descent.
Has a purity ring like Selena Gomez and The Jonas Brothers but wears it as a necklace.
Favorite move is Donnie Darko (2001).
Favorite song by The Jonas Brothers is "Hollywood".
Her role model is Kelly Clarkson.
Home schooled.
All of her fellow cast members from "Sonny with a Chance" (2009) are featured in her music video "La La Land".
Graduated High School in May 2009; a year early.
Older sister, Dallas Lovato, appeared on music video "La La Land" with her.
Broke up with Trace Cyrus [July 22, 2009].
Good friends with her Camp Rock (2008) (TV) costars Meaghan Martin, Alyson Stoner, 'Anna Maria Perez De Tagle' and Jasmine Richards.
Dated Camp Rock (2008) (TV) co-star, Joe Jonas [April-May 2010].
Has a tattoo on her right side which says "You Make Me Beautiful". [June 2010].
Is a vegetarian.
Checked herself into a medical center on November 1, 2010 to get professional help.
Used to have a YouTube show with her friend Selena Gomez called "The Demi and Selena Show".

Personal Quotes
I chose to leave public school. I was kind of bullied . . . Everyone signed a petition that said, "We all hate Demi Lovato".
[on Joe Jonas] He is my best friend. He has always been my best friend.
The only thing I could see myself doing is music - songwriting or producing or something. I've never seen myself being in any other business, I've been working in this one since I was 5 years old! I could do other things, but I wouldn't want to.
[On her role in Camp Rock] It was a confidence booster. My character and I both like to rock out and now we're not afraid to!

Where Are They Now
(September 2008) Currently in Puerto Rico filming Princess Protection Program (2009) (TV) with her best friend, Selena Gomez.
(July 2008) Opening for The Jonas Brothers on their Burnin' Up tour.
(September 2008) Released her debut album 'Don't Forget' (September 23rd).
(June 2009) Starting her tour with David Archuleta.
(July 2010) 45 city tour with The Jonas Brothers.

(Mix Posts) Justin Bieber Facts :D

Justin Bieber full name is Justin Drew Bieber
He was born March 1st, 1994 (17 years old).
His nicknames: J-Beebs, Justin, JB, Biebs, Bieber, Beebs
His mother name is Pattie Mallette
His father name is Jeremy Bieber
His dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
His grandma was a great piano player.
His Dad remarried.
He is very protective for her lil sister.
He wanted to buy a house for his mom when he has $1,000,000.
He is not into blink-blink.
He started dating when he was 13.
His first kiss was when he was 13.
His favorite TV show is smallville.
his favorite video game is nba 2k.
His favorite colors are blue and purple
His favorite food is spaghetti
He speaks fluent French
He is claustrophobic – fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces, eg: closet, elevators ;)
He prefers Macs over PCs
His favorite number is 6
His favorite music is R&B and Pop
His favorite artists; Usher, Michael Jackson, BoysIImen, Stevie Wonder.
His celebrity crush is Beyonce.
He likes vitamin water
His favorite drink is orange juice
He has a half sister named Jazmine/jazzy & brother names jaxon
He is a lefty
He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums
He likes captain crunch (with berries)
He can count to ten in German
He once asked out Rihanna and Alexa Chung (got rejected) :(
His two best friends are Ryan butler and Chaz Somers
He once dated Caitlin Beadles (Christians Beadles sister)
His shoe size is 7 and a half
He likes sporty, active, nice, down to earth girls.
He likes sour patch kids
His most embarrassing moment is when he broke his foot on stage during a song (he stayed and finished the song, didn’t even miss a note! so proud :) ))
He grew up in Canada (Stratford Ontario)
He is signed by Usher. Justin Timberlake was reportedly in the running to sign Bieber.
His label is Island def jam.
He likes playing soccer.
His favorite slang word is “shawty”
He likes tacos
His favorite pie is apple
He likes to skateboard and is good at it
He loves Tim Hortons (very Canadian)
His best friends – Ryan butler & Chaz Somers
He likes a good smile
His first CD came out in Novemeber 17th 2009
He got his first plaque at YTV’s The Next Star at Canadas wonderland :)
He would date anyone he falls in love with.
He is pals with Taylor Swift
He plays four instruments; guitar, piano, drums and trumpet
He raised 150,000 lbs of food for food Bank, with the help of his fans.
He loves his fans!